Looking for Jassi Gill Photo? Here are latest and best HD images, wallpaper and pics of Jassi Gill. You can see and share on whatsapp, facebook and instagram.
Jassi Gill was born in Village Jandali Ludhiana, Punjab, India. He real name is Jasdeep Singh Gill and Jassi Gill is stage name. He is most famous singer of punjabi industry he stated is career in 2011 with album Batchmate, after that he sung many song but he most popular with Lancer song. He made is acting debut in punjabi movie 2014 with the films Mr & Mrs 420. He got best debut male award in PTC Punjabi Film Awards. After that he debut in Bollywood movie as an actor with the film “Happy Phir Bhag Jayegi”. In this post we added Jassi Gill Pics, i hope u like these pics.
Jassi Gill Photo, Pics, Images & Wallpaper